The Centre for Doctoral Training in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NanoDTC) invites applications from top-class independent-thinking students for its Interdisciplinary PhD programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. We offer a number of fully funded PhD studentships of 3.5 years duration to support students on our programme.
Shaping your Interdisciplinary PhD
A particular emphasis of this programme is exposure of students to a broad range of world-class research environments to allow them to discover their individual research and technology interests and develop strong ownership of their PhD topic. As a student of the programme, you will have the opportunity to shape your PhD project, drawing from cutting-edge research being conducted across various departments in the university. Examples of projects being done by our current students are available here. The broad gamut of our nanoscience research can be clustered into the following four themes:
Designer Nanofunctions - quantum, photophysical, electronic, ionic solid state/ biological, magnetic, plasmonic, optoelectronic, neuromorphic
Frontiers in Nano-Metrology - ultrafast optical / THz spectroscopies, in-situ nanometrology, electron microscopies, super-resolution microscopies, X-ray techniques
Designer Nanomaterials - Low-dimensional (1D, 2D) nanomaterials, DNA origami, biomimetics, self-assembly, hybrids, MOFs
Scale-up and Systems - Nanomanufacturing, cellular manufacturing, sensors /actuators, bioelectronics, IoT, theranostics
These research themes span a wide range of application areas, including Quantum technologies, Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronic and semiconducting devices, Energy-efficient ICT, Energy harvesting and battery technologies, Catalysis, Waste utilisation, Biosensing, Sustainable manufacturing and many more...
By joining the NanoDTC programme, you will benefit from being a member of a vibrant and growing ecosystem, interacting with like-minded researchers across academic departments, as well as university spinouts and companies in the Cambridge innovation network. We are seeking students who are keen to move beyond the silo of a single scientific discipline and undertake a holistic, rounded research experience within this unique environment. The programme welcomes applicants from across the physical sciences including Physics, Chemistry, Materials, Engineering and any other subject that gives applicants a good background to undertake a PhD in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
Course Structure
Our new PhD programme offers an initial six-month intensive training + PhD project selection period, which aims to prime students from component learners to effective researchers. High-quality training in advanced nanoscience concepts & experimental skills is delivered via applied
Learning formats (hands-on practicals & workshops) rather than traditional lectures. Modules undertaken by students during this phase include:
A new integrated module on Applied Nanoscience, consisting of practicals on a broad spectrum of experimental and data analysis techniques
A system integration module covering practical electronics and a group project in a host lab
A short (8-week) and longer (10-week) experimental research project
A module on innovation and entrepreneurship for scientists
At the six month point the final selection of an interdisciplinary PhD research project will be made, with two supervisors from two research groups in the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Materials or another relevant department across the University.
For information on funding, see
You can also contact one of our current students to find out more about the broader NanoDTC Centre and the new Interdisciplinary PhD format.
The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and encourages applications from all sections of society.
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